Course Descriptions

Core Courses
Medical Statistics and Statistical Computing  

Read the Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
Descriptive statistics, probability theory, binomial distribution, poisson distribution, normal distribution, sampling distribution, estimations and hypothesis testing, one way analysis of variance, categorical data analysis using chi-square distribution, correlation and simple linear regression analysis, multiple linear regression analysis, nonparametric statistics, computer software application.

Seminar in Research Methodology  

Read the Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
Introduction to research methodology, rationale for research, formulation of research objectives and hypothesis, research strategy, sampling and population, measurement, data collection and analysis, report preparation.

Epidemiological Methods I  

Read the Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
Scientific reasoning, health indicators, health program priority setting, measures of risk, causation, confounding and interaction, bias, sampling techniques, measurement and data collection, research and development in health, burden of disease.

Epidemiological Methods II  

Read the Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
Introduction to study design, descriptive study, cross-sectional study, case control study, cohort study, clinical trial, community experimental, validity and reliability, systematic review of RCT, screening, diagnostic test, research ethics.

Appraisal of Articles in Journals  

Read the Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
Reading and criticism of an original article in an international journal interpretation of results, critique, implications in public health and clinical practice

Field Work Research  

Read the Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
Identification of priority and topic of fieldwork by discussion with the local public health workforces, design and preparation of the proposal, data collection and analysis, presentation to decision makers and relevant parties.

Advanced Medical Statistics and Medical Data Analysis  

Read the Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
Analysis of 2×2 tables, analysis of confounding and interaction, binary logistic regression, Poisson regression, multinomial and proportional odds logistic regression, survival analysis, sample size and strategies for modeling epidemiological data, big medical data, data mining.

Computing, Data and Database Management  
Read the Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
Informatics, Data system, structure and function of computer, file management, hard disk management, computer virus, security, word processing, bibliographic management, database, spread sheet, graphic presentation, computer network, Internet, electronic mail, academic database, data quality control, relational database and development of information system for health services.

Qualitative Research  

Read the Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
Concepts of qualitative research, conceptual framework, interview techniques, focus group discussion, observation techniques and field work, report writing and presentation


Read the Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
The thesis demonstrates the capability of the student in conducting a well-planned research of international standard. A Master thesis is the beginning of professionalization for an epidemiological research career. The proposal will be prepared and refined in parallel with the progress of the coursework through group discussion before submission for approval by the Committee for Graduate Study of the University by the end of the first year. Data collection will be undertaken for a period of 6 months in the student’s regular place of work. Final analysis and preparation of the Thesis will occupy the final 6 months in PSU to ensure quality of work and success. A student intending to pursue the PH.D. programme, must pass the Proposal Examination and the Qualifying Examination before he/she can be endorsed as a full PH.E. student and proceed with the research work under an academic supervisor approved by the Graduate Committee. When the Substance of research work is considered adequate, two final examinations will be se up: a Comprehensive Examination and the Thesis Examination. These examinations will be organized by the Graduate Committee, who will designate appropriate experts in the research topic, including one or more experts from outside the University, to act as the esxaminers. A Ph.D. theses must demonstrate originality of idea with substantial depth and illustrate high knowledgeability of the candidate.


Department of Epidemiology

6th Floor, Administrative Building,
Faculty of Medicine, Prince of Songkla University,
15 Kanjanavanich Road, Hat Yai,
Songkhla 90110 Thailand
Tel: +66 (0)74-451165-6
Fax: +66 (0)74-429754,
E-mail: ,

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